Hotels Nearby

Sainte Famille Hotel (Nyarugenge)
[approx $60 – $120 per night] 3-star and 10 mins walk to conference venue

Kigali Serena Hotel (Nyarugenge)
[approx $200 per night] 5-star and 5 mins walk to conference venue

Park Inn Hotel
[$150 per night. Use discount code: Quantum Africa 6 ] 4-star and 20 mins walk to conference venue

Ubumwe Grande Hotel
[approx $150 per night] 4-star and 10 mins walk to conference venue

Hotel des Milles Collines
[approx $150 per night] 4-star and 10 mins walk to conference venue

Kigali Marriott Hotel (Nyarugenge)
[approx $200 per night] 5-star and 5 mins walk to conference venue

Note: Sainte Famille hotel has shared rooms for about $60/person that students can patronize. There are also cheap hotels in the city (approx 3-star) for around $50 – $80 per night that students can use (see list below).

* Kigali View Hotel –

* T2000 Hotel –

* Gloria Hotel:

Hotel venues are within 1 km of the venues. A bus will be hired daily to transport participants between
the conference venue and their hotels within the city.