Quantum Africa 6 (QA6)

bringing the best of Quantum Research to Africa …

Sixth Edition of the Quantum Africa (QA) Conference Series

Kigali, Rwanda

Dates: 12-16 September 2022

Hybrid: In-person and Online


The main goal of the Quantum Africa conferences is to promote research collaboration between African researchers and their counterparts in the rest of the world and at the same time build and increase human capacity and scientific awareness in quantum phenomena among scientists in Africa. Thus, the conference is open to researchers in Africa and researchers from all over the world.

This will be the sixth (6th) Quantum Africa (QA) conference and will be focused on Quantum Information Processing (this includes quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum cryptography, quantum simulations), together with all its algorithmic and hardware aspects.

Quantum phenomena, including quantum information and entanglement, for example, occur in many areas and are intrinsically important, apart from the recent potential technological applications (e.g., in quantum computation). We consider it important that researchers and scientists in Africa contribute significantly to this broad field in both the science (understanding) and technology/engineering (applications) of quantum phenomena.

Focus topics for QA6 include:

Quantum control • Quantum computing • Quantum thermodynamics • Quantum communication • Quantum simulations • Quantum optics • Quantum materials (sensing) • Quantum metrology • Materials and phenomena in condensed-matter physics for quantum computing

Workshop Structure

QA6 will be hybrid with participants joining in person in Kigali and online. Also unique to QA6 is that pedagogical presentations as well as a large number of talks from industry practitioners in quantum phenomena and quantum computing will be a significant part of the conference.

Postgraduate students, postdocs, and early career researchers are particularly encouraged to participate and will have opportunities to present their work in posters

QA6 will feature cutting edge research talks from invited speakers. There will also be contributed talks and poster sessions (both online and in-person).

Total duration:

Five (5) working days. Dates: 12-16 September 2022

Sessions will be 9 am to 5 pm each day, except on the final day when we end at lunch time. Wednesday will also be a half day as we leave the afternoon free for sightseeing and hold a banquet in the evening.


College of Science and Technology, University of Rwanda, Kigali.


* July – August 31, 2022: Call for abstracts (invited talks and posters)

* July – August 31, 2022: Booking of hotel accommodation (preferably as early as possible)

* August 15, 2022: Early Bird Registration

* August 31, 2022: Regular Registration

* September 2022: Late Registration

* September 2022: Conference

Registration Fees

* Online Participation: Free. Register here

In-person Participation:

* Students in Africa: Free. Register here

* Postdocs in Africa: Early registration – $25. Full – $50.

* Students/postdocs outside Africa: Early registration – $50. Full – $100.

* Other Academics in Africa: Early registration – $150. Full – $200.

* Other Academics outside Africa: Early registration – $400. Full – $500.

* Participants from industry: Early registration – $900. Full – $1,000

The fees cover conference material as well as coffee breaks, sight-seeing, and the banquet. It does not cover travel, visa fees, accommodation, or meals – see information below.


Click here to register


A. From Industry

1. Trond Andersen, (Google Quantum)

2. Abe Asfaw, (Google Quantum)

3. Oliver Dial, (IBM Yorktown Heights)

4. Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia, (PsiQuantum)

5. Helmut Katzgraber, (Amazon Quantum)

6. Jarred McClean, (Google Quantum)

7. Marco Pistoia, (JPMorgan Chase & Co.)

8. Pedram Roushan, (Google Quantum)

9. Terry Rudolph, (PsiQuantum)

10. Simone Severini, (Amazon Quantum)

11. Nathan Shammah, (Unitary Fund)

B. From Academia

1. Meigan Aronson, (UBC, Vancouver Canada)

2. Fernando Brandao, (Caltech USA and AWS)

3. Tommaso Calarco, (Julich, Germany)

4. Susan Coppersmith, (UNSW, Sidney)

5. Marcello Dalmonte, (ICTP, Trieste Italy)

6. Rosario Fazio, (ICTP, Trieste Italy)

7. Giulia Galli, (Univ. Chicago USA)

8. Steve Girvin, (Yale, USA)

9. Jens Koch, (Northwestern Univ. USA)

10. Erika Kwakami, (RIKEN, Japan)

11. Daniel Loss, (RIKEN and Univ. Basel, Switzerland)

12. Tiago Mendes, (University of Ausburg, Germany)

13. Bill Munro, (NTT)

14. Will Oliver, (MIT, USA)

15. Francesco Petruccione, (UKZN, South Africa)

16. Anna Sanpera, (UAB, Barcelona Spain)

17. Christine Silberhorn, (Paderborn University, Germany)

18. Charles Tahan, (White House Office for Quantum, USA)

19. J.S. Tsai, (RIKEN and UST, Tokyo Japan)

20. Benoit Vermersch, (CNRS, Grenoble France)

21. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch, (Julich, Germany)


1. HOTELS Please reserve your hotel rooms ASAP.

a) Sainte Famille Hotel (Nyarugenge) 3-star

URL: https://saintefamillehotel.com/

b) Hotels Nearby (3-star)

* Kigali View Hotel – https://kigaliviewhotel.com-rwanda.com/en/

* T2000 Hotel – https://2000hotelkigali.com-rwanda.com/en/

* Gloria Hotel: https://www.gloriahotelrwanda.com/

c) Hotels Nearby (4- and 5-star)

1. Radisson Blu Hotel [discounted: $130 per night] 5-star


2. Park Inn Hotel [approx $150 per night] 4-star


3. Ubumwe Grande Hotel [approx $150 per night] 4-star


4. Hotel des Milles Collines [approx $150 per night] 4-star


5. Kigali Marriott Hotel [approx $200 per night] 5-star


6. Kigali Serena Hotel [approx $200 per night] 5-star


All hotel venues above are within 1 to 2 km of the conference venue. A bus will be available to transport participants between the conference venue and their hotels within the city.


Hotels in Rwanda typically offer wireless Internet services at no extra cost.

The conference venue will also have high-bandwidth Wi-Fi connectivity available to all conference participants.

For use outside the conference venue and their hotels, participants can purchase SIM cards (~$10) and small Internet data plans (~$1-$2) from telecom companies in the city.


Kigali International Airport (KGL): RwandAir, Ethiopian Airlines, Kenya Airways, Brussels Airlines, all fly into KGL. Many hotels organize airport pickups for their guests.


Visitors to Rwanda can receive their entry visas upon arrival, without the need for prior application. The visas cost $50 only and are valid for 30 days.

As usual, a travel document (e.g., passport) valid for more than 6 months is required. There is no visa fee for visitors with passports from African countries and some other countries.

Please see carefully this: https://www.migration.gov.rw/anounce/anounce/online-visa/


a) Included “free of charge” for every participant – on Wednesday, September, 14, 2022

Visit to the Genocide Museum (Gisozi): https://kgm.rw/

National Liberation Museum Park: http://museum.gov.rw

Sightseeing around Kigali.

b) For those interested – at their own costs. All are outside Kigali. Contact details of private tour guides will be provided:

Virunga National Park. https://virunga.org/

Akagera (Safari). https://www.africanparks.org/the-parks/akagera

Lake Kivu. https://www.visitrwanda.com/destinations/lake-kivu/

Visit to the Mountain Gorillas. See, for example, https://www.gorillastours.com/rwanda


In general, all presentations will be made available via video conferencing so that people can watch from all over the world.


These are not provided by the conference, but places to eat are available around the conference location. Lunch/dinner are estimated to cost $3 – 15 per person, depending on the meal.


Bus transportation will be provided to and from the conference venue each day, for those staying at the main hotel or up to 2 km from the conference venue.

What Kigali has to Offer

Kigali is lauded as being a very safe and clean city, which makes it easy to navigate as a first time visitor. There is a wealth of restaurants with different world cuisines and a very healthy cafe culture, too - Rwanda is home to many tea and coffee plantations, after all. There are also cultural experiences to enjoy and historical places to visit within the city. Despite its size, the regions outside of Kigali are very diverse in nature and wildlife, and thanks to its size, they are all very accessible from Kigali: From the safari plains of Akagera in the East to the mountainous volcanoes in the North, Lake Kivu in the west and, finally, the dense Nyungwe forest in the South, all are reachable within a day from Kigali. Kigali is also well-serviced by direct air routes from Europe, Africa, as well as major hubs such as Dubai.

PROGRAM CHAIR: Prof. Franco Nori (RIKEN and Univ. Michigan).


Omololu Akin-Ojo (EAIFR1) – Chair, Local Organizing Committee

Alex Rogers (ALU2, Rwanda) – Co-Chair, Local Organizing Committee

Marie Chantal Cyulinyana (UR,3 Physics) – Venue and Accommodation

Christian Kwisanga (UR,3 Physics) – Transport and Accommodation

Steve Ndengue (EAIFR1) – Finance

Blaise Tchapnda (AIMS4) – Communication and Advertisement

Richard Musabe (UR3 and Rwanda Polytechnic) – IT

Representative from CMU Africa (CMU Africa) – Industry Liaison

1 EAIFR: East African Institute for Fundamental Research, Univ. Rwanda

2 ALU: African Leadership University (ALU), Rwanda

3 UR: University of Rwanda (UR)

4 AIMS: African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Rwanda

5 CMU: Carnegie Mellon University, Rwanda


1) Barry Sanders (Chair) - University of Calgary, and University of Science and Technology of China

2) Fabio Benatti - University of Trieste

3) Andreas Buchleitner - University of Freiburg

4) Artur Ekert - University of Oxford and National University of Singapore

5) Yassine Hassouni - Mohamed V-Agdal University, Rabat

6) Sir Peter Knight - Imperial College London and Kavli Royal Society International Centre at Chicheley Hall

7) Francesco Petruccione - University of KwaZulu-Natal

8) Laura Greene - National Maglab, Florida State University, and Center for Emergent Superconductivity

9) Haikel Jelassi - National Centre for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia


1. IUPAP – International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

2. ICTP-EAIFR – ICTP East African Institute for Fundamental Research, Univ. Rwanda




(Interested sponsors can contact us at: qa@eaifr.org )